Monday, August 31, 2009
Time for a break
Thanks to my friends and family for supporting my little writing endeavor! And thanks to the new connections who stumbled across my little blog.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Things that make me happy
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Art and Sustainable Cities: A Dialogue
I'm currently working on the third in our series of Art and Environment Dialogues. It's sure to be a great event! Please spread the word and attend if you can.
Art and Sustainable Cities: A Dialogue
August 27, 2009
11:30 am–1 pm
Olympic Sculpture Park, PACCAR Pavilion
SAM and the Cascade Land Conservancy present the next panel discussion exploring the intersection of art, culture and the environment. Can steps be taken to ensure that revitalization and increased density are beneficial for both the arts and artists? How can we avoid artists being pushed out of our cities by rising prices? What roles do diversity and equity play in building vibrant, sustainable cities? Join us as we consider these and other questions.
Michael Kinsley, American political journalist (moderator)
Randy Engstrom, Founding Director, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
D.K. Pan and NKO, Founders, Free Sheep Foundation
Buster Simpson, Northwest Artist
Beth Takekawa, Executive Director, Wing Luke Asian Museum
“Art and Sustainable Cities: A Dialogue” is part of SAM’s Pivotal Perspectives series. Bringing together some of the most compelling thinkers on a given cultural subject, Pivotal Perspectives is a timely and innovative forum that addresses pressing issues in art and society.
Presented with support from the Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I drove my first Zipcar!

(Note: This isn't the exact car, but a Cushinberry twin.)
Yesterday I found Cushinberry online, and I made an appointment for our first meeting - in the parking garage of a condo near work. I used my Zipcar to open the doors, and we set off for my meeting at the UW. We made it without any problems; no traffic and easy parking. I had never driven a hybrid, and it was amsuing to notice how quietly she runs. When it was time to head back to work, Cushinberry was patiently waiting for me. With plenty of time remaining in our appointment window, we returned to Cushinbery's reserved parking space in the condo and said our goodbyes. It was a good first outing, and I look forward to our "second date" real soon!
Monday, August 17, 2009
We did the Danskin!
All in all, I'm glad I was there with my friends. The Danskin is a really amazing event - seeing so many woman of all ages come together to challenge themselves.
Now that it's done, I plan to support Fiance-with-the-mostest in preparing for his triathlon in September. When school begins, I hope to schedule myself for regular time at the gym, and hopefully some of the great classes offered at low prices for students. I think relaxing workouts, like yoga, will be more appropriate for a while! :)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Coming to the end of the Low Car Diet
It's been a great final Low Car Diet week, highlighted by a car-free trip to the Sounders and a stay-at-home weekend:
I haven't needed to use my Zipcar credit yet, but I'm planning to for a work meeting later this month and an upcoming trip to visit my parents on the Hood Canal. I love that we can take the ferry to Bainbridge and get a Zipcar there!
This has been a great experience. It reinforced the things that I'm already doing right, and helped me identify the areas where I can improve. At this point we are almost ready to sell a car, and the availability of car sharing is an important benefit in support of "taking the leap." I would highly recommend a do-it-yourself Low Car Diet to anyone considering selling a second car, or becoming car-free!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
A car-free weekend, filled with cleaning
On Friday night we enjoyed a lovely sing-along/karaoke evening with friends, until the cops came by with a noise complaint. Considering we were singing Disney songs and you pretty much can't find a more law-abiding group of 20-somethings, we found this rather amusing.
Since then, Fiance-with-the-mostest and I haven't left Kirkland or used any form of motorized transportation all weekend. On Saturday I slept late, and then relaxed into the afternoon. At that point we started "the cleaning." You see, the house was a DISASTER. I wish I had before pictures, except I'd be too embarrassed to show them. Stress, heat, and jam-packed schedules meant we did a lot of procrastinating in the little time we had available to pick up. Plus, we still had organization to do since I moved in more than 4 months ago (sad).
So, we cleaned. And I'm pretty darn happy with the results. Things are organized, and everything has it's place. There are even pictures on the walls! I'll be the last person to tell you it's perfect, and we have a lot of stuff for a small space, but I feel sooooooo much better.
We also have ideas for some paint color changes (more details to come)'s so exciting to be able to make these adjustments, and to feel comfortable in our home. It's also exciting to donate the things we don't need/want and simply our lives...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Our car-free trip to the Sounders game
We knew that traffic and parking would be intense given the crowds, so we decided that FWTM would spend a day on the Low Car Diet, too. It went something like this:
- FWTM drives in to work and Jackie buses to work, as usual.
- Jackie hangs out at work after she's off, taking the opportunity to go for a triathlon training run.
- FWTM uses a convenient free ride ticket to bus from his office in Issaquah to downtown Seattle.
- We enjoy the game!
- Following the flow of the crowd, we head to the International District station in the tunnel and catch the bus home. We just barely got on that bus. A group of 4 behind us were the last allowed on, and we were packed in tight. Others had to wait for the next bus, at least 30 minutes away (sad). I don't say this to scare people away - we just need more support for bus services!
- We walked home from the transit center (1/2 a mile, my usual commute).
- This morning FWTM left early and put his bike on a bus from Kirkland to Redmond. From Redmond it is easy to ride around Lake Sammamish to Issaquah. Unfortunately there is a big hill to get out of Kirkland and the roads aren't very nice, and it would take 3 buses to take public transit all the way to his office.
- Jackie bused to work as usual.
- FWTM reports that he had no problem loading his bike, thanks to clear instructions just for newbies like him. He did experience a bit of rubbing from one of his brakes, and didn't have a multi tool to make repairs. Something must have shifted since our ride on Sunday. He will drive home with his bike loaded on the car tonight.
Altogether I'd call that a successful experience! We got home as quickly as we could have in a car (maybe even faster), and we saved parking money. FWTM also eliminated a full day's worth of commute miles. Woo hoo!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Things I accomplished while commuting this week
- Exercise - walked more than 13 miles
- Read - About 100 pages of Little Women
- Checked e-mail - Oh, Blackberry. What would I do without you?)
- Spent much needed time spacing out
- Achieved cooling - I'm fortunate to ride a bus with air conditioning.
- Ran errands - Stopped in stores to look for a card, watered the garden on the way to work
- Remembered things I'd forgotten
- Made lists of things I shouldn't forget
- Observed traffic and construction without having to navigate it myself - Thank you, METRO drivers!
- Reduced the carbon impact of my commute - Woo hoo!
At least under standard conditions, items #1, 2, 3, 8, 9, and 10 couldn't be done in a single occupancy vehicle. I'm also pretty sure #4 wouldn't be a very good idea.
I feel very accomplished.
Monday, August 3, 2009
But seriously, it's pretty cool. I spent almost 2 years on the project, which included historical research on oyster management as well as a field project on restoration techniques. I checked out books from the Washington State Library in Tumwater that no one had borrowed for almost 20 years. I trudged through mud in my hip waders, and nearly had to live there when I became stuck and the tide was rising around me. I even braved the tideflats in the middle of the night (when low tides occur in the winter time) to collect shells for examination back in the lab.
In the end, I decided that I enjoyed teaching science more than doing it myself. But, I never could have figured that out without doing years worth of undergraduate research - and support work for other people's research - on Mt. St. Helens recovery ecology (scanning slides), microbial ecology of deep sea hydrothermal vents (real lab work with vials and microscopes - I even presented at the Geological Society of America!), geoduck/eelgrass interactions (more mud and lots of measuring), and of course my native oyster projects.
So what does this have to do with sustainability? Two things:
1) I found my passion - part of my journey toward personal sustainability. I had to try out ecology to learn that I would rather make science accessible to the public - and I think I'm pretty good at it. I just didn't have the patience for lab work, and I wanted to work more actively with people. If I got to the point where I was teaching, I think I'd like that part of academia.
2) My oyster work is an example of the science behind sustainability. So often we recognize a problem (i.e. oyster populations are dwindling), but it's hard to understand why and how to solve the problem. It's an exciting moment, as in many arenas - climate science, green energy, agriculture, etc. - we're looking for and finding new options that are leading towards solutions. It's incredible to think, but my work could inform people doing on the ground restoration. Believe it or not, people do read this rather obscure journal!
And I'm just proud! :)