Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Volunteer with Sustainable Kirkland and get a free pass to Kirkland Uncorked!

Calling all volunteers!

Sustainable Kirkland, the community group I talked about in this blog and this blog, is partnering with the organizers of Kirkland Uncorked to help "green" this year's festival, July 17-19 on the downtown Kirkland waterfront (Marina Park).

Remember those awesome volunteers at Seattle Green Festival who sorted your compost, recycling, and trash before you could even prove that you knew how to recycle determine which bin was which? Well, Sustainable Kirkland will play a similar role, educating visitors about recycling and minimizing the volume of non-reusable (landfill bound) waste produced by the festival.

We need you! Sustainable Kirkland needs help covering all the shifts of the festival, July 17 - 19. The best part of volunteering? You get a free pass to Kirkland Uncorked! The festival features art, wine, food, and jazz music - what more could you want for a good time on the shore of Lake Washington?

To sign up, e-mail

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