Thursday, June 18, 2009


This post is scary for me.

I like to write. Sometimes I think I'm pretty good at it, other times I'm less confident. Either way, writing is something that matters to me. When I was in about the 6th grade, I remember spending a day of my summer vacation writing an essay about saving the rainforest. I kid you not. My senior year in high school I had a fantastic English teacher who really gave me confidence in my writing - he helped me to find my voice. Since then I've written in many styles, and I even have a few published pieces.

But what I really wanted to share with you today, is that I sometimes write poetry. It comes in spurts. I'll be inspired, and write 3 or 4 decent poems. Then nothing for 6 months. I love to do it, but I'm far less confident about my work. For some time now I've stored my poetry on a blog at I'm now open for comments.

What does this have to do with sustainability? I think it's part of sustainable living - figuring out what matters to you; what makes you, YOU. Simplicity guides tell us to identify key priorities in life, and to limit those priorities. You can't pull yourself in too many directions and feel satisfied with your life. Sometimes I find this difficult, since there are so many things that I love to do. Writing sometimes gets pushed to the side.

So, here's my challenge and my question to you:
How do we find balance, while enjoying the many passions that make us unique?

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